Sonora Elementary Sm'ART'ists

Sonora Elementary Sm'ART'ists
1st grade through 5th grade artists' process and artwork through creativity, innovation, and learning.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Owl About Our Art

This week, fifth and fourth grade completed collaborative projects for the art auction in May by each working on a grid piece of a larger picture. These will be available for purchase in a few months- look for more details soon! 

Second and third grade started drawing owls for the next project. We are still waiting on some materials to finish our "Thiebaud Cakes" that got snowed in on the road! I will post pictures of those finished next week. 
This new project will be created using a white glue outline and chalk pastels. As the Sonora Scholars, we love OWLS! They are looking great so far!
Northfell, 3rd

Wilson-Scott, 2nd

Butler, 3rd

Dellett, 2nd

Wassily Kandinsky, Composition VIII
First grade is still focusing on Kandinsky. This week, we continued working on our music inspired drawings. We talked about how Kandinsky created ABSTRACT paintings while he listened to music. We listened to instrumental music, and drew lines based on what we heard. We then colored in all the shapes we had made. 
Below is a video of this process. 

As always, we are working on ways to learn effectively in the art room. One of the things I have implemented this year is the "Mona Lisa". I say "Mona" and students reply "Lisa" when they are ready to listen. 
We talked about how Mona Lisa shows many qualities of a great listener: eyes forward, sitting up straight, hands in lap, and mouth closed. It is a fun way to incorporate some art history into behavior learning! Below is a poster students see in the art room every day. 

Sail On!

Mrs. Cartmill