Sonora Elementary Sm'ART'ists

Sonora Elementary Sm'ART'ists
1st grade through 5th grade artists' process and artwork through creativity, innovation, and learning.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Valentine Animals

CLICK HERE to visit Mrs. Cartmill's Youtube Channel, and learn how to draw a Valentine Animal!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Kings, Queens, and Circle Looms

The kids finished a big weaving unit recently. We spent the holiday season finger weaving. Finger weaving is a HUGE deal here at Sonora. If you want to learn how, click HERE! After Thanksgiving we started weaving on painted plates. These turned out beautiful, and the kids really enjoyed the calm process. To learn how to make a loom on a paper plate, click HERE!

We spent three weeks weaving the middle of our looms. 

First and second grade has been talking about the Middle Ages! We've been looking at paintings and learning about how artists mainly made art about bible stories and kings, queens, and knights. We did self portraits of ourselves as a king or queen. We topped them off with sparkly crowns and jewels. They turned out GREAT!

Way to go, Sonora artists!