Sonora Elementary Sm'ART'ists

Sonora Elementary Sm'ART'ists
1st grade through 5th grade artists' process and artwork through creativity, innovation, and learning.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Gelli Printing

The Sonora art room received a $1,500 grant from Springdale Education Foundation to purchase a class set of Gelli Plates and Gelli tools. 
The students learned about line, composition and design while we had a BLAST printmaking with these new plates!
The pictures speak for themselves


Thank you, Springdale Education Foundation!

Monday, August 29, 2016

Homemade Sketchbooks

We hit the ground running in art this year! Most other art teachers would call me crazy for painting the second week of school, especially with my brand new 1st graders, but we did it! (and the kids did a fabulous job, most classes cleaned up in under 5 minutes)

This year, we are making our own sketchbooks. This project is AWESOME, because it allows us to use the amount of paper we want, it gives us individualized sketchbook covers, cuts cost where I bought composition notebooks last year, and the kids get to create in the process. WIN, WIN,WIN, WIN!

The second week of school, we painted the covers using just a 18x12 sheet of colored construction paper, paint, and big brushes (I have also seen these done with old file folders, which might be more durable, I just don't have 700 at hand).

 With the younger kids, I limited the color palette to mostly cool colors (blue, green, pthalo green, lime green, yellow, and white) so that they could mix and experiment without it turning brown. They turned out really lovely!

This week, we are stuffing them with 20 sheets of white paper, stapling the spines with a heavy duty stapler (a normal stapler will staple 10 sheets of paper just fine, but not 20), and reinforcing the spine with strips of colorful, patterned duck tape. (I had a lot of fun picking these out for the kids!)  I am also cutting a 3 inch strip and putting it in the center of their sketchbook cover so the kids can write their name and teacher code with sharpie. 

*While they waited to be called back to my table to put their sketchbook together, they created a self portrait for the first page of their sketchbook. 

These are super fun, super simple, low cost, and I can't wait to use them this year!

Monday, February 29, 2016

Update on the Year

We have been working hard on a number of things this year- from symmetry self portraits, Rousseau inspired tiger paintings, Van Gogh Starry Nights, and friendship villages, paper sculpture, and now hand knitting. Art has been a blast!

We studied the artist, Henri Rousseau and learned about his "dreamy" paintings. We then made our own brightly colored, dreamy tiger habitats.

We did a unit on self portraits. 1st and 2nd created their own portrait schema's.

3rd, 4th and 5th created "Symmetry Selfies" using digital media, and pencil. 

We learned about the Cave Paintings of Lascaux, France and did some writing, too!

Second Grade learned about volcanoes in science, so we integrated the unit into art! Students researched different volcanoes from each continent and did a presentation to their peers. We sculpted animals from their volcano's region, and got to explode them at the end. We even made the front page of the NWA paper!

We learned about the artist, Vincent Van Gogh, did opinion writing, and painted our own Starry Nights. 

Right now, we are learning to finger knit (2nd-5th) and weave (1st). The kids LOVE this! They have chains at the end that they can make as necklaces, bracelets, or headbands. They have been making them at home and wearing them to school. 

It is so exciting to see how students are growing and learning this year. Thanks for stopping in!